About Lakshmi Gishler

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Lakshmi Gishler

Bowen Nerve Practitioner
Classical Pilates Instructor

NY trained: 

Martha Graham Modern Dance Technique           Joffrey Ballet School

Yoga Postures & Philosophy Instructor

“Today, in my 60’s I am more agile and flexible from Pilates and Bowen Nerve Knowledge and treatments than I ever was as a dancer in my teens, 20's and 30’s.”  

Education & Experience

In 2005 Lakshmi became a Bowen-based Nerve Specialist after Bowen treatments healed her from childhood ailments that had been debilitating her for years as well as dance and yoga injuries. In 2011 she became a Classical Pilates instructor which helped her understand correct Joint/Spinal placement and muscular use. With this knowledge, she began retraining her muscles and nerves from old, hurtful, habitual patterns that had tightened her dancer body in her teens and 20s.

This knowledge of the nerves/muscles and joint alignment enables her to help anybody re-set old hurtful habits into new helpful ones quickly and non-invasively.

During her Pilates training she quickly realized; while The Bowen Technique for the Nerves (Laying on a massage table relaxing) is a passive nerve resetting technique; Pilates (actively exercising) done slowly and correctly is an active nerve resetting technique. 

Lakshmi is one of the few movement teachers in the world with knowledge of the nerves and how they work while moving the body. She integrates her knowledge of nerves into all of her classes and private sessions. She loves helping people understand that a healthy nervous system enables the body to stay young, flexible and elasticized.

Reach Out Today!